“Ego has no dignity” – Osho

In resolving your conflict and reaching a sustainable agreement with your opponent, you have to make a conscious decision to put all ego aside and walk away with your dignity in tact.

Ego, incessant need for control and fear of failure… 3 common pitfalls often observed by attorneys in the course of practice and negotiations.  

In many instances, it is the attorney adding fuel to the fire or having a joyride on an impasse, particularly in divorce proceedings. 

Setting the tone of “war” during negotiations quite simply benefits no one and ultimately destroys relationships. 

Instead, treating each other with civility, dignity and respect while recognizing the needs of the other, and approaching the issues collaboratively, ensures that you walk away dignified and feeling better about yourself and the way you conducted yourself throughout. 

You also get to save thousands if not hundreds of thousands of rands in legal fees. 

It all starts with a willingness to engage meaningfully with one another as well as an understanding and commitment to the idea of solving your issues in collaboration. 

Obviously, it takes two to tango. Both parties must take responsibility and act rationally in arriving at the best possible outcome. 

Is your attorney focused on protecting your dignity while facilitating the process?